

El tiempo se ha acelerado infinitamente y es ya tan veloz que sus revelaciones sólo pueden experimentarse como una superposición persistente de recuerdos. A todos nos ha salido una cola de cerdo que habíamos evitado hasta ahora. Demasiado incesto, demasiada exuberancia caribeña. El primero de la estirpe está atado a un árbol  y una hilera de hormigas viene a por nosotros.


D.I.Y observó con amor la casa que acababa de autoconstruir. Era sostenible, ligera, independiente de la red y completamente reciclable. Complacido por su propia independencia, experimentó placer ascético. Desconexión. Espíritu. Los genes se le pusieron de punta simulando su propia desaparición y esta satisfacción le hizo concentrarse en su propia muerte. Temió que viniese a interrumpir su autonomía y se sentó a pensar cómo podría enterrarse a sí mismo después de haber muerto. #MiFiTi D.I.Y beheld proudly his self-built home. It was light-weight, self-sufficient, independent from the grid and fitted with recyclables. Fulfilled with a sense of independence, he underwent an asthetic spell. Ultimate aloofness. Intense alertness. Every gene in his body spiked rehearsing its own dissappereance and this satisfaction made him focus on his own death. He feared it would come to disturb his self-reliance, and so he sat and thought how he could bury himself after his own passing. #v...

Hombre de 57 años encuentra un trabajo y lo devuelve.

A pesar de llevar varios años en paro, se niega a quedárselo porque "de alguien sería". El héroe fue invitado a 'El Hormiguero', donde recibió una ovación. Tras el aplauso, confesó: "Encontré otro hace unos meses y también lo devolví".

Literature everywhere (4)

Lately several cars have come out with dashboard games that help drivers reduce fuel consumption. There are obvious reasons to think that these apps can right some wrongs and it seems simple enough that an improved gaming experience should replace a more primitive one of bragging about speed feats under an eerie sense of achievement. Ford was the first to install one of these fuel-saving apps, challenging drivers to beat themselves and others in a race for efficiency. It displayed a plant that either withered or grew to a Tetris-like score, and it proved to be more compelling than melting glaciers and Al Gore documentaries. Its budding branches bent wills so effectively that the story has taken an unexpected turn. First things first, most people playing have not only slowed down on the road; they are also driving in higher gears and rolling up windows. Checking tire pressure, avoiding jack-rabbit starts. Accelerating smoothly.  However, our competitive mi...

Literature everywhere (3) _The measuring of beauty

Yesterday, as I was returning to Madrid, I indulged in one of my common pastimes—reflecting on a few of my literary interests. One of these interests is finding the most effective means to capture the essence of our era and how to utilize its intricate networks to draw in beauty. Although I haven't been actively writing for a while, I searched mentally for the appropriate tone, and fiddled with variations I was reminded of a TED talk that I watched on YouTube a long time ago. I must admit that it's only a faint recollection, so I don't claim spot-on storytelling. It came to mind as I pondered how to measure beauty in literature -an impossibility, I know- but still managed to cling to a tangential absurdity. The more poetry that stems naturally, even uninvited, from exploiting relationships and contradictions the better the work. I´ve just googled the talk to get the speaker's name right -Dan Barber, in case anyone wants to check it out, but fortunately I´ve resisted t...

Literature everywhere (2)

Extracto de Rutas por la Costa de la Comunidad Valencia y Murcia en coche de El País Aguilar . "(...) Quién iba a decirnos que la CN-332, donde a duras penas hay lugares para detenerse, en una recta intersalinera donde los coches circulan a toda velocidad, constituye un biotopo que ni pintado para las aves migratorias."


Cristiano Ronaldo va a construir una casa cerca de Terra Mítica, dijo uno del bar al acabar el partido. Una casa incremental, añadió, infinitamente densa, como Benidorm, donde todo el tiempo se pliega en un segundo.