observó con amor la casa que acababa de autoconstruir. Era
sostenible, ligera, independiente de la red y completamente
reciclable. Complacido por su propia independencia, experimentó
placer ascético. Desconexión. Espíritu. Los genes se le pusieron
de punta simulando su propia desaparición y esta satisfacción le
hizo concentrarse en su propia muerte. Temió que viniese a
interrumpir su autonomía y se sentó a pensar cómo podría
enterrarse a sí mismo después de haber muerto.
beheld proudly his self-built home. It was light-weight,
self-sufficient, independent from the grid and fitted with
recyclables. Fulfilled with a sense of independence, he underwent an
asthetic spell. Ultimate aloofness. Intense alertness. Every gene in his body
spiked rehearsing its own dissappereance and this satisfaction made
him focus on his own death. He feared it would come to disturb his
self-reliance, and so he sat and thought how he could bury himself
after his own passing.
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